Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What could be more exiting then getting a new face!!

I started playing Trauma Surgeon to fulfill my need to flip between a dozen different things while studying/working but my patient keeps exploding. Every time I think I get everything under control and start fixing things another part of him blows open! Being a doctor sucks.

In a few days (Feb 2) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is going to come out with their paper that pretty much says "the better part of 600 scientists from around the world think that global warming is real" so all those big bad politicians won't be able to say there's not enough proof to act on it and get around to making our cars and machines run on the love of children and a smug sense of self-superiority or whatever the current green fuel is.

They're called "Hobbits." Apparently fossils discovered in Indonesia are distinct enough to be considered a new species of human "Homo floresiensis."

Sweden opens a Second Life embassy

The International Criminal Court gets its first case!!! They should give Dyilo a prize! (and then can his ass for building an army of 10 year olds.)

I figure I'd be doing all you lovers of waily females with acoustic guitars a disservice if I didn't throw some attention over towards Marissa Nadler (Link from Gorilla Vs Bear). It's pretty much Vashti Bunyan scaled down a bit with nods towards Leonard Cohen.

Panda Bear (of Animal Collective) has a new one out. It's pretty good, if you were into Animal Collective.

There's a new Arcade Fire single too. "Black Mirror".

And I'll finish off with a reminder that Of Montreal's Hissing Fauna Are You The Destroyer? is probably one of the best things they've ever done. DAMN!!!

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