Monday, July 16, 2007

House Sitting

Ahh. The pleasures of unrestricted use of someone elses house.

I'm house sitting for some extremely cool people my sister knows. They both work up at the university and I've spent less then 12 hours here and I already love it. The decoration is amazing, the house is lined with books and posters of places and things and both of them have great taste. When I was looking through their DVDs earlier I found SEVEN seasons of The West Wing, a show that I've been in LOVE with these days. I made dinner and moved my clothing and computer out, pretty much all I need at any given place, and am kicking back with a case of Beck's and so much peace and quiet. I think I'll actually get a lot of reading done and maybe that French education I've been procrastination for so many months.

I'm still not quite settled in but I'm getting there. It's a tad lonely at times but I'll fix that once I get out and about a little. I needed something like this to inject a little purpose into my life again.

Mom took me and Amanda out to see Sicko this evening too. It was OK. I'm sure I'll find fault with it eventually but I do love my socialized health-care so even if he's got more spin then a ballerina on speed I'm sympathetic.

Time to go and fix some more things up. I really do love this place.