Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Going to try to do another quick one tonight. I've been thinking all day about ways that some novels have experimented with storytelling techniques. Specifically I've been thinking about House of Leaves and The Dictionary of The Khazars. Both of these try to tell a story in a way that is totally different then the standard linear novel. I began to think about other ways we absorb stories and I came around to how we usually read content on the internet. Many online publications, blogs especially, mix content. A page that contains an article may have key words that link to outside content to complete or supplement the readers knowledge of the issue being addressed in the original piece. I should probably do some more research before going any further but this seems like an extremely interesting medium through which one could tell a full story that was unique to the readers reading habits, being as rich and deep as they choose to go in it.

I'll have to come back to this but I've been tossing it around in my head all night and I think it's got potential.

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