Sunday, May 25, 2008

No Smoking

I have always had a bizarre realationship with books. I love literature and writing. I feel a powerful compulsion to write things that can grip and hold the reader with vicelike fortitude. My problem lies in the dissapointment i feel when I cannot. I know the mood that takes me where I can write the words I want. But despite all this nonsense I do not read that much these days. Even when I was young I devoured novel after novel, all fantasy and childrens fiction but still... the past few years I have not taken in many books.

I don't know how I convinced myself that it would be a good idea to be a journalist with such a half-hearted relationship with literature but my newfound fascination with Hunter S. Thompson has kickstarted a fierce return to the world of classic books that I fell apart from for so many years. I'm running short on HST books but it's left me with a great bridge into Hemmingway, Joseph Conrad, Kurt Vonnegut and Tom Wolfe. You shouldn't write if you don't read and I have been too stubborn to learn from the greats for too long.

After all,

No Music
Bad TV
Bad Mood
No Pages