Thursday, April 10, 2008

Solid gold, that song on the radio is nice

I am so psyched about the Buck 65 concert tomorrow at Club One. There are few artists whose sound has stuck with me for so long but ever since a friend of mine so generously introduced me to Blood of a Young Wolf one fantastic summer a few years ago Buck has been synonomous with good times.

Uncounted drives back and forth to swimming holes and cabins belting to lyrics the Wicked and Wierd, Blood of a Young Wolf and 463 spot my memory. Whenever those songs make their way to my ears I can't help but at least mouth the words and feel a little better. And now I finally get to see him and pick up some of the EPs that you just can't get anywhere outside of a mixtape or his concerts.

And if that wasn't good enough (it is) he's showing up with Cadence Weapon, whose latest album, Afterparty Babies is pretty solid. All this does kind of drive home the point that i'm only really excited because we barely ever get artists that I really want to see in town but i'm gonna take that little problem and blow it away with a glorious marathon of Canadian hip-hop before tomorrow night.