Friday, April 07, 2006

The Gospel of Judas

Judas seen as Jesus' collaborator, not his betrayer / Early Christian manuscript portrays him as favored disciple who was told he'd be 'cursed by the other generations': "'But you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.'"

I love this kind of stuff. Evidently there's been a 'Gospel of Judas' floating around since the 70s but it only just got translated by National Geographic and the findings released to the public. In it Judas was one of Jesus' favoured disciples and the only one who truly 'understood' his teachings. Before his death Jesus told Judas that he would be responsible for his death.

They seem to believe that the text is real, the debate now is whether the findings really mean anything or are just the ramblings of a failed spliter sect of early Christians.

I love this Apocrapha stuff.

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