Thursday, October 01, 2009

Ooo rah. First real paper of the term and I'm done the night before. What a student I am. Learning all kinds of stuff about stuff and putting it down on paper for people to tear apart. This is what it means to be alive.

Not that I'd really know. The idea of a lust for life has been kind of absent from my days only to be replaced by bittersweet music. I've had lyrics from the grunge era and songs about the unfairness of the world in my head all night and it's made me surly but thankfully not despondent to the point where I'll bury my head in a pile of unwashed clothing and try to evict the demons of doubt and self-deprication from my head. Nope. Just sarcastic and occasionally riled up by the odd party anthem (because sometimes it should smell like teen spirit).

It's also feeling like I went a little too far into my interests to keep my mind off things lately. I have about 10 different gaming blogs being collected through google reader and I still check Giant Bomb a few times a day. Honestly, it's better than the time I've been flushing away on Facebook but I realized not long ago that constantly worrying about the actions and inane internet activity of so many people was actually making me more stressed out than I had any right being. I don't know whether it's just right now or whether I've been becoming slowly dependant on that stream of text to pacify my need to live vicariously through other people. Probably the latter these days. Anyway I've started a weening process from Facebook in particular. Staying active on Twitter but the few people I know who do use it do so as a news stream anyway.

Here's to a month of turmoil. May it be over soon. Now where's my Scotch...

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