Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ever so slowly reading through The Proud Highway. Volume 1 of Hunter Thompson's Gonzo Letters. It's fascinating so far, though I doubt that I would be so into it if I wasn't trying to study the origins of my favourite authors voice. I'm picking up so many new names to look up and techniques for improving my own style. It's important to stay loose and write frequently if I'm going to improve at all.

I find a great deal of potential in writing letters and blog entries. They are immediate and have specific goals to convey information. To tell a story of the events of your life. To reflect and draw purpose from experiences.

Ah. If only I was as passionate at a young age.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to pen my recent experiences.

I just returned from a weekend at Kristin's cabin. The whole experiences was full of drinking, relaxing and more then a little drama. I returned to town on Sunday feeling a little hungover and more then a little concerned about how quickly I get tired these days. This is no way to live while still this young. I am grinding away harder then ever at work but with no potential to further my passions I'm more then a little depressed about the upcoming months. It doesn't help that I have loaned out a significant chunk of money.

Alas, real interaction has found me and I must away.